
Expert Guidance and Healthy Eating Plans

Eating a healthy diet improves our quality of life and sense of wellbeing, but what does this actually look like? And how does it change over the course of our lifetime?

The Ministry of Health describes healthy eating as including:

  • Plenty of vegetables and fruit
  • Wholegrains and foods naturally high in fibre
  • Low fat dairy products
  • Legumes, nuts, seeds, fish and other seafood, eggs or poultry, or red meat with the fat removed

But how do you actually achieve this?

What about detox diets, intermittent fasting, Paleo, the Mediterranean diet?

What if I’m exercising, what should I eat then?

Should I be eating superfoods?

Do I need to be taking supplements?

The list goes on…

Eating a balanced, nutritious diet suitable for your age, medical history and lifestyle should be easy and enjoyable. Cut through the clutter and receive individualised, evidenced-based, practical advice with the support of a Specialist Dietitian.